Around 3000, the Sun will begin to visibly dim.

This is not the Sun actually dimming. It will be that the Earth realm will be transversing through different vibrational energies. The Sun will not change, we will.

As the Sun dims, we will begin to see the Dark Energies that abound in the universe.

the blue glow of these Dark Energies will be apparent.
And, as the Earth Realm shifts, those things that were created in the higher Vibration years will also begin to glow. From within the Earth, crystal tablets will be found. They will be an amazement to the kingdoms of the Earth.

As the Earth Realm will be in a deep vibration of darkness, these tablets will inspire awe and hope.

Soon after they are found, our family realizes that they can be read in the blue glow of Titan. These are seemingly the answers to the darkness that have plagued this realm for close to a thousand years. The secrets contained within these tablets will pull our realm out of darkness for evermore.

Once they are read, it will be found that our lack of Unity is the only thing keeping us in the dark.